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Bump classgraph from 4.8.141 to 4.8.149

Bumps classgraph from 4.8.141 to 4.8.149.

Release notes

Sourced from classgraph's releases.


Extract line number ranges for methods (#695, thanks to @freya022 for suggesting).

See MethodInfo#getMinLineNum() and MethodInfo#getMaxLineNum(), which return the line number of the first and last non-blank line in a method body, if available, otherwise zero.


Fixes a bug where MethodInfo#loadClassAndGetMethod would not work if the method type signature contained a type variable for a parameter type (#694, thanks to @freya022 for the report).


Fixed an exception thrown when serializing/deserializing ScanResult to/from JSON (#682, thanks to @thiebaltmeier for the bug report.)


Fixes a possible regression of an exception thrown when trying to open a resource on JrtFileSystem (#553).


Fixed an issue that could cause some classpath elements to be skipped if Class-Path: was used in the manifest files of multiple jars on the classpath to include other jars that were also explicitly included on the classpath. The issue was classpath-order-dependent. Thanks to @steveniemitz and @sherter ( and also @jdeppe-pivotal ( for finding and reporting this bug.


(Obsolete -- do not use -- triggered a regression on Windows.)


Fix exception typeSignatureParamTypes.size() > typeDescriptorParamTypes.size() when dealing with broken compiler output (where the type descriptor of a method has a different number of entries in it than the type signature for the same method) (#660, thanks to @colin-young for reporting).


Bugs fixed:

  • Added method ClassInfo#getTypeSignatureOrTypeDescriptor() so that type annotations can be read for non-generic class definitions (#662, thanks to @raner for the request).
  • Fixed Illegal reflective access warning on some obsolete and buggy JVM versions (#663, thanks to @MR6996 for the report).

Two behavioral changes, which may result in breakage for some users:

  • The list of interfaces implemented by a class, as returned by ClassInfo#getInterfaces(), is no longer sorted by name, but is returned in the order in which the interfaces were specified in the class definition (this order is significant, so the old behavior of sorting by name was incorrect).
  • The result of toString() for several of the TypeSignature subclasses has changed to use $ as a separator of inner classes, rather than ., to bring the toString() behavior closer to the result of Class#getName().
  • 610bec3 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release classgraph-4.8.149
  • 04457b9 Parse out line numbers from method code attributes (#695).
  • 5dc08f7 Fix test
  • c5d5244 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
  • 1f7ceef [maven-release-plugin] prepare release classgraph-4.8.148
  • da5e4e8 Make MethodInfo.loadClassAndGetMethod work with type variables (#694)
  • b24d270 Merge pull request #685 from JJBRT/latest
  • ce954c1 Updating JVM-Driver Informations
  • 7e5b423 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
  • 9fbadf1 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release classgraph-4.8.147
  • Additional commits viewable in compare view

Merge request reports