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Bump classgraph from 4.8.115 to 4.8.129

Bumps classgraph from 4.8.115 to 4.8.129.

Release notes

Sourced from classgraph's releases.


Add the ability to find resources by path glob by calling ScanResult#getResourcesMatchingWildcard(String wildcardString) (#588, thanks to @jjlin for the request):

  • ** matches zero or more characters
  • * matches zero or more characters other than /
  • ? matches any one character
  • Any other valid Java regexp syntax is supported, such as character ranges in square brackets ([a-c]), with the exception of ., which is interpreted as a literal dot character (the single-character wildcard syntax is replaced with ?, as shown above).


Optimize reflection by caching fields and methods of introspected classes by name.


Fix illegal reflective access warning on stderr in JDK 11 (#579, thanks to @josephlbarnett for reporting).


Remove -parameters flag from javac parameters of non-test build, introduced in 4.8.121, because it introduced issues with -Xlint:classfile or -Xlint:all combined with -Werror (#577, thanks to @Stephan202 for reporting)


Remove a debugging setting which produced a warning on stderr (#568).


Allow circumvention of encapsulation in JDK 16+ via jvm-driver, in addition to existing Narcissus support. Details are on page for ClassGraph GitHub project.


More compatibility fixes for IBM Semeru.


Add support for ClassGraph.CIRCUMVENT_ENCAPSULATION = true to work on IBM Semeru, an OpenJDK fork (#563).


Optimization of reflection code (no functional changes compared to previous release)


First version that is fully compatible with JDK 16+

The JDK team decided to switch on strong encapsulation in JDK 16+. That means that ClassGraph cannot find the classpath, if all of the following are true:

  • You are running on JDK 16+
  • You are using a legacy classloader (rather than the module system)
  • The legacy classloader does not expose its classpath via a public field or method
  • The classloader is loaded in a different module from your user code

If your ClassGraph code works in JDK versions less than 16 but breaks in JDK 16+ (meaning that ClassGraph can no longer find your classes), you have probably run into this problem.

You can circumvent this restriction by:

  • Adding the Narcissus library to your project as an extra dependency (only Linux x86/x64, Windows x86/x64, and Mac OS X x64 are currently supported).
  • Setting ClassGraph.CIRCUMVENT_ENCAPSULATION = true; before interacting with ClassGraph in any other way (this will load the Narcissus library as ClassGraph's reflection driver).

This release of ClassGraph uses Narcissus to silently circumvent all of Java's security mechanisms (visibility/access checks, security manager restrictions, and strong encapsulation), in order to read the classpath from private fields and methods of classloaders. Narcissus is a collaboration between:

... (truncated)

  • 3d98409 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release classgraph-4.8.129
  • c118c03 Create Javadoc before jars are signed
  • fc0e3f6 Update comment
  • 0920507 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
  • cf59b8e [maven-release-plugin] prepare release classgraph-4.8.129
  • fbb1428 bump version back down
  • a50e433 Don't change glob behavior for accept/reject criteria (#588)
  • 629dd36 Organize imports
  • d8bfc33 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
  • d0a46d1 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release classgraph-4.8.129
  • Additional commits viewable in compare view

Merge request reports
