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  • Jim Newsome's avatar
    Fixups after importing wiki history into docs/. · f8be8097
    Jim Newsome authored
    This is step 1 of GH-705.
    The preceeding commits are an import of the individual commits from, imported by:
     * Rewriting's history in a local checkout to retroactive
       put everything in the subdirectory `docs`, using `git filter-branch`.
     * Adding the rewritten as a remote to a local checkout
       of shadow.
     * Creating this branch at the top of the imported history.
     * Rebasing this branch on shadow/master. This also serialized
       the branch/merge structure from the wiki history, which resulted in
       some conflicts that needed to be resolved. I'm not 100% sure I got
       those right, but validated that the final state matches the
       current state of the wiki (after one fixup noted below).
    This commit performs the following fixups:
     * Deletes `docs/`. It was originally deleted
       earlier in the wiki's history, but was spuriously carried forward
       due to a mistake I made in conflict reso...